Rain gardens: Design your own

by John Hassler 07/14/2024

When it comes to rain gardens, design matters for more than just aesthetics. Rain gardens are meant to serve an important purpose in capturing rainwater runoff, and both the plants and structure of the garden determine its effectiveness.

To help you learn more about rain gardens, here are some key benefits and design elements to know:

Why are rain gardens important?

Rainwater runoff can be a huge problem in both urban and suburban areas without much natural vegetation. In areas prone to storms, rainwater collects in the streets, overflowing sewer drains and causing floods. A rain garden helps mitigate this issue by imitating the way the natural landscape handles excess water.

By directing heavy rain to a rain garden, you can slow the flow and reduce the chance of stormwater runoff overwhelming the storm sewer system.

How do rain gardens work?

The basic rain garden design is a shallow basin. Water naturally pools at the lowest point, where it gradually absorbs into the soil to nourish the plants. Unlike a bog or a garden pond, a well-designed rain garden dries in a few days. This means you won’t have to worry about standing water attracting mosquitos or other pests.

What are the best rain garden plants?

It’s a good idea to include a range of different plants when designing rain gardens. Diversity of shapes, sizes and root systems will better mimic the natural landscape and provide better drainage.

Some of the most popular plant choices include switchgrass, blue cardinal flower and marsh marigold. When in doubt, it’s always worth choosing native plants for your rain garden design that will thrive in your climate and support the local ecosystem.

About the Author

John Hassler

Our goal is overcoming the housing challenge and getting to know one another, here is a bit about me. Providing you with professional guidance for buying and selling homes stems from an in-depth knowledge of the Twin Cities Best Homes and Neighborhoods. For us, the process is a simple one and starts with a conversation about your needs, desires and concerns. No contracts or promises up front. I ask only for the opportunity to understand your housing needs and have you become comfortable with my real estate knowledge and experience. I have lived throughout the metro area, have sold close to 1000 homes as well as built, remodeled and designed homes. My passion is assisting you in discovering that perfect home, location and setting that will bring you and your family pleasure and comfort for years to come. I would enjoy the opportunity to meet with you at your home, business or over a cup of coffee. I am readily available by email, text and enjoy a phone call as well. Please don’t hesitate to contact me, as I always enjoy a new opportunity to help someone!